Essential Knowledge Guide

Setting Up Your MTB
Numbness and Impotency

So we come to Numbness and Impotency.  Here is what I have gathered from reading.  There IS medical evidence that prolonged numbness in the groin can cause impotency. Everyone agrees that biking is an excellent sport and good for your health.  BUT, this issue of numbness has to be avoided at all costs, even for women.

It is worth noting that some of the top cyclers in the world have been heard to comment that they have ridden literally thousands of miles and have experienced no problems.  They believe it's all in the bike setup, which is what all these articles were about. Through proper setup you should be able to avoid the issue of numbness almost completely.

Okay.  That's the end of this series!  Finally!  Did you go through all this and take your time?  If so, I am positive this will help anyone that hasn't had a professional "fit kit" done for them.

I hope you enjoy your biking even more than ever!  I have personally seen the seat post height adjustment make the difference between making or not making a long tough climb and greatly reducing the energy spent while simply riding.  Seat post height and seat rail adjustments are all your power.  The handlebar adjustments and seat tilt pinpoint rider comfort. Together, they are everything!

Now go on to the Training Facility!  Live to ride, Ride to live!

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Setting Up Your MTB
Adjusting Seat Post Height
Adjusting Cockpit Length
Handlebar Adjustments
Seat Tilt
Numbness and Impotency